Category: Yogurt

Yogurt and other fermented milk products are already some 2,000 years in various places created on the world. It is assumed that yogurt originated in Central Asia, where the storage of milk was almost impossible and further developed by the Turkic people. Due to the presence of bacteria and the high ambient temperature, the milk began to ferment. The residue left in the leather bags or wooden barrels made sure that the milk was fermented as yogurt.

Make Yogurt at Home - Homemade Yogurt

Buy healthy cultured dairy products like kefir: Kefir grains for sale

Healthy cultured dairy products Cultured dairy products are healthy and nutritious. You can find the popularity of cultured products everywhere around the globe. They are consumed in enormous quantities in every country. All people love probiotic dairy products such as cultured yogurt and kefir as they have tremendous beneficial properties. If you think that cultured dairy products mean only yogurt and kefir, then you are...

sauerkraut 0

The Benefits of Lactic Acid Fermentation

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods We often consume many good foods about which we hardly know what it is or their benefits. The best example of such foods is yogurt, pickled vegetables, and many others. All these specialty foods use lactic acid fermentation, a biological process in which glucose, sucrose, lactose, and other sugars are changed into metabolite lactate and cellular energy. What causes...

Homemade yogurt

The best Yogurt is the one you make yourself

How to make yogurt at home Mostly, you have everything in your kitchen to make yogurt except a good thermometer. The best yogurt is indeed the one that you make yourself. The reasons why homemade yogurt is the best are as follows: It tastes much better than the yogurt that you buy from shops Since no sugar, preservatives, or chemicals are added to the homemade...

rommelsbacher yogurtmaker jg 40

Make yogurt with a yogurt maker in 9 simple steps

How to make yogurt with a yogurt maker? It is easy and beneficial to make yogurt with the help of a yogurt maker. An electric yogurt maker can help you to make delicious yogurt within two hours. The process of making yogurt in a yogurt maker is quite simple. Here are the steps by which you can make yogurt with the help of the yogurt...

How To Make Yogurt - Step 1

How to Make Yogurt and Greek Yogurt at Home

How to make homemade Yogurt? The enormous health benefits of yogurt make it a perfect food for everyone. However, to make yogurt, you need a yogurt starter. The quality of yogurt depends on the quality, type, and yogurt starter culture. The starter culture or yogurt culture is responsible for the fermentation of lactic acid, which converts milk to curd. Two types of yogurt culture can...


Ryazhenka – a traditional Russian fermented milk

Ryazhenka – a traditional Russian yogurt As kefir was typically the drink for adults (at least for the diet-conscious Soviet women), Ryazhenka, also known as the baked milk, was exclusively for the children. Ryazhenka is the other and traditional Russian (some say Ukrainian) fermented dairy product. Ryazhenka, when mixed with one spoon of sugar, used to be a treat for a Soviet child. Sometimes Ryazhenka...

Homemade yogurt

Make your own Bulgarian Yogurt

Making Bulgarian Yogurt with a starter Bulgaria is a country with a surprisingly rich yogurt history. Greek yogurt for long has been the rage, and it is hard to recall what type of subpar yogurts were being spooned down earlier. To have delicious Bulgarian yogurt, you need not make a trip to the distant land of Bulgaria just for the sake of yogurt. However, you...

Greek Yogurt

What is Greek Yogurt?

How to make Greek Yogurt? Homemade Greek Yogurt Health-conscious souls have long touted the advantages of yogurt. But at present, many who have turned to yogurt embrace it in the Greek way. Few foods are as healthy as it in such small servings as Greek yogurt. A bowl of Greek yogurt keeps one fortified with the essential nutrients and helps you to lose weight. For...

Bifidobacterium yogurt

Bifidobacterium yogurt Yogurt is famous as the best source of lactic acid bacteria. However, not all yogurt products contain significant numbers of a live culture of lactobacillus or, say bifidobacterium, because bacteria do not survive in the manufacturing procedure. Some yogurts possess live culture added by the manufacturers. Several bacteria live in the human intestines, providing a beneficial parasitic relationship that benefits them and us. ...