Tagged: Authentic milk kefir

Authentic kefir can only be made by real kefir grains.


How to make milk Kefir?

Make milk Kefir at home Milk Kefir (usually pronounced as keh-FEER) is a slightly carbonated but delicious milk beverage, fermented and similar to buttermilk or yogurt. Kefir is only fermented milk (room temperature) with kefir grains for almost 24 hours. It has incredible health benefits, is flavorsome, and is endured well, even with my lactose intolerance. It’s easier to prepare than yogurt because it involves...

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The History of Milk Kefir

Where do Kefir grains come from? The history of milk kefir was initially part of a legend and a bit mysterious too. People living on the northern slopes of the Caucasian Mountains believe that Muhammad, the Great Prophet gave kefir grains to the Orthodox people and showed them how to make kefir. They guarded the grains and the knowledge given to them by the Prophet...