Tagged: Kefir FAQ

How to make milk kefir

How to make authentic milk kefir?

How to make Milk Kefir To make authentic milk kefir, you must prepare the supplies and follow the steps carefully. Here are the step-by-step instructions on making milk kefir: Get the supplies ready: First, you need milk, but you should ensure that the milk is not lactose-free or ultra-pasteurized. Raw milk or low-fat milk is preferred. Next, you would need a strainer made of stainless...

sauerkraut 0

The Benefits of Lactic Acid Fermentation

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods We often consume many good foods about which we hardly know what it is or their benefits. The best example of such foods is yogurt, pickled vegetables, and many others. All these specialty foods use lactic acid fermentation, a biological process in which glucose, sucrose, lactose, and other sugars are changed into metabolite lactate and cellular energy. What causes...